
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Time to get back into this

Well, its been a loooong time since my last post. Longer than I even realized, since I had a hard time finding my blog again.

The "hiatus" (can you call it that after only 3 posts?) was in large part due to some stress/trauma we have had surrounding Baby 4.0. I had some on and off spotting starting at week 12, nothing too concerning, it happens to a lot of people I'm told. Well, around week 16 on my way out to pick up a birthday present for Strawberry's 3rd birthday it all went down hill, or so we thought.

I had gone alone (3 kids at Toys R Us = no go for us). I was in my van driving to the store when I felt a gush. I was driving so, I just touched my pants and looked at my hand....BLOOD! I was covered in blood. I frantically (shaking, crying) turned around and headed home. The one time, ONE TIME my husband doesn't have his phone with him (he took the kids out for a walk). I pull in, he comes running. I get cleaned up and we head to Emerg. We got put right through, no wait. Things are seeming very sad and bleak at this point.

The dr. comes in with an ultrasound and there, hanging on tight is a miracle baby with a strong heartbeat. Unbelievable! Atleast to us, not to God. Well, the next few days, week will be the true test, baby has a high likelihood of miscarriage due to what I was diagnosed with a SubChorionic Hemmorrhage. Now, I know you are never supposed to consult with Dr. Google but I couldn't help it, no one knew anything. I don't know what's worse...the stuff you can find on google and don't want to know or the fact that THERE WAS NOTHING ABOUT IT AT ALL ON GOOGLE!!!!

Anyways, fast forward 4 months to today. Baby 4.0 is growing strong and healthy, the SCH continued to grow until last month but he (yes HE) continued to grow unaffected. We are 8ish weeks from delivery and he is a seemingly healthy baby boy. I have had 7-8 ultrasounds this time, far too many times to fill up a pregnant woman's bladder to the point of exploding. With my 1st 3 kids I had 1 ultrasound each.

We are *slowly* preparing for his birth, more like procrastinating since, you know, we already have everything...wherever it is...should start looking, cleaning things up, but there's still 8 weeks to do that, right?

So, that would be the reason I have been away from here for so long. I am hoping to pick back up and get regular....I hope.

Baby 4.0 (baby boy 3.0) is expanding reasonably, so I'm told...
Here he is at 32ish weeks:

For His Glory!

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